Sunday, April 7, 2013


I know it's been a very long time since I've written. And I know this blog is usually a place where I just write about Sami, but I want to devote this post to Kitty, my beautiful cat who to whom we said goodbye a little after midnight on Saturday, April 6. I adopted Kitty when she was just a few weeks old November 2002. She was 10 and-a-half years old.

Losing Kitty was a huge shock. One day she was fine, running around and meowing at us, and the next day she wouldn't eat, and looked lethargic. Friday night we took her to the animal hospital to learn about 2 hours later that she was in kidney failure, and was truly suffering. The vet told us that she probably had this for months, but just like many other cats, didn't show any symptoms until the end. They are like soldiers, hiding any symptoms and being so proud.

It was a rough night. We spent about an hour with Kitty, telling her how much we loved her, and how much we will miss her. We moved into our house 3 years ago with 4 cats, and now have 1 cat. It's been a rough few years with our fur-babies, losing now 3 cats in 3 years. So we told Kitty that we knew she would be greeted by Shakespeare and Loki, and my sweet greyhound, Pebbles, who left us in 2008, and they would show her around. We assured her she would not be alone. We cried and hugged her and kissed her. And with the wonderful vet's gentle assistance, we said goodbye to Kitty. It was peaceful, but completely heartbreaking and our home is not the same without Kitty.

Kitty was a beautiful, sweet and tiny cat. (She never weighed more than 6 pounds.) She slept every night cuddled with us, and Sami had just recently started calling her by her name, instead of just "cat." The reason behind her name is somewhat silly, but when I first adopted her I couldn't think of a name for this adorable tiny kitten. So I kept calling her Kitty, while trying to come up with a name that suited her. Eventually she started answering to Kitty, and the name stuck.

Kitty is so dearly missed.