Thursday, December 2, 2010

4 weeks old

Sami's doctor appointment went well. Sami is already trying to hold her head up, is extremely strong, and not showing any signs of being a preemie aside from her small size, which isn't so small anymore in my opinion, even though everyone that sees her continues to tell me that she is tiny. She is over 5 pounds now, and to me looks so much bigger than the baby I held in the NICU every day. Newborn clothes are still too big for her, so she is still wearing preemie clothes for the time being.

The only somewhat-bad news from her appointment is that the doctor thinks that most likely Sami's all-night, and sometimes all-day screaming, means she may be colic. We are trying out a different formula this week for sensitive stomachs to rule out the chance that her high-calorie preemie formula is not agreeing with her and causing her stomach pains. But the doctor is not optimistic the formula change will make a difference. If it doesn't help by next week's appointment, she will be put back on her preemie formula, which is better for her development, and be diagnosed as colic, and we will have to deal with a screaming, but lovable and adorable, baby for the next few months until the symptoms subside.

Sami is four weeks old today. :)

1 comment:

  1. She was also introduced to the music of star wars and Indiana Jones. Trying to find a good medium that will settler her down besides the food change which may or may not work
