Friday, June 11, 2010

12 weeks, and a lime

Today is 12 weeks. 196 days to go!! You know what this means ... It's time for the update on what Baby S looks like this week.
Baby S is the size of a lime today. The most dramatic development this week for Baby S are his or her reflexes. Soon, fingers will begin to open and close, toes will curl, eye muscles will clench and his or her mouth will make sucking movements. The intestines are starting to move into the abdominal cavity, and the kidneys are excreting urine into his or her bladder. (Sorry if this TMI for some of you.) Nerve cells are multiplying, and Baby S' eyes finally looks human! His or her eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his or her head, and the ears are right where they should be. Baby S is a little more than 2 inches long this week.

I am finding myself lately wondering what Elizabeth is doing at different times of the day or night. Does she stay home in the evening and watch TV? (Does she have a TV?) Is she sleeping enough, eating right and taking care of herself? Is she taking the prenatal vitamins she was given? Because we have a closed adoption, I do not have any direct contact with her, so these are questions I am not able to ask her. The attorney tells me not to worry and that she is sure Elizabeth is doing what she is supposed to be doing. Again this is where faith and trust step in. I am learning to let go of control and just put my trust and faith out there. That's difficult for me, to just let go like that, but what choice do I have?


  1. Keep up your hopes - all will be ok for you and Steven - looking forward to another Grandchild

    Rick & Paula

  2. I also wonder for the most - will the child be healthy?
