Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sami's sick :(

It's been a long few days!! Sami has been sick with a temperature ranging from 102 to 104.8, and has been to the doctor twice this week, and we almost took her to ER last night when her temperature reached the 104.8.

We were able to get it down to 102 with wet cloths and alternating tylenol and motrin, and took her back to the doctor again this morning. It turns out Sami has 3 different things going on right now. She has a rash as a reaction from the MMR shot she had last week at her 1-year-old checkup, she has a boil behind one ear, which she has been on antibiotics for since Thursday morning, and she has a viral infection of some kind.

Basically we were told to just make sure she is drinking a lot, give her tylenol/motrin as needed and she'll be better in a few days. If she is still getting a high fever by Monday or Tuesday though, she needs to go back to the doctor.

I feel so bad that she is sick, and I myself am getting lightheaded from the lack of sleep over the past three days. But I feel a little more relieved today after being back at the doctor this morning, and when she naps later, I plan to do the same thing.

It's still so hard to believe Sam is 1 year old. With 6 little teeth, she is starting to look more like a toddler and less like a baby already. Her birthday party was really great, and in all we had 58 adults and children at the park to celebrate with us. Sami had a great time diving into the little cake that was just for her.

Sami and I have been keeping busy. We've made a lot of new friends throughout the past several months, and I'm enjoying working from home and taking breaks to meet friends for playdates during the week. It's been a little challenging at times when she wants attention and I'm on deadline, but it's been worth it to have her with me.

Our newest friends include Debra, and her son, Colton, who we met at Mommy & Me. Colton is 14 months old, and his father is in Iraq. He hasn't seen Colton since he is 3 months old, and Debra has been basically a single mother for the past year. Sami and Colton are very mischievous when they are together, and it's so much fun to watch. At times, Debra and I are even embarrassed, while the other children sit so nicely during the parts of the class that are supposed to be quiet, while Sami and Colton take off together and disobey playing together in a corner acting as though they are the only two kids there. They were fast friends, following in their mothers' footsteps.

Another new friend has 2-year-old twins, who they were blessed with after using a surrogate. It's nice to have someone to talk to that also didn't go through pregnancy to become a mother, and we are able to share our stories and truly understand each other.

In all, I've met a lot of new people that I would never have met if it wasn't for being a mom, and I know Sami and I are creating long friendships. Of course, we are lucky enough to have friends I've known for years as well, such as Stacey, and her daughter, Hannah, who is only 5 weeks older than Sami. Those two will be growing up together, and Stacey and I are determined that they will become and remain "BFFs."

I feel truly blessed to be Sami's mother. Even though I have been worried the past few days with her being sick, she truly brings me nothing but joy every day. Sure, there are days where she is crabby and screams all day, but the moments that stand out in my mind are the ones where she laughs and plays, and looks up to make sure I'm still there, smiling to see me there and calling out "Mama."

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