Monday, March 14, 2011

another new day of changes

As I write this, Sami's rescheduled appointment for her four-month well-check-up is in an hour. She'll be getting shots once again, as she does every appointment, as because of her small size her shots are divided so that she only gets half her shots each month. This means of course that every appointment she gets shots, whereas most infants only get shots every other month. Poor Sami.

Right now, she is full and happy and has no idea what is coming a little later today.

Yesterday Sami and I ran into four senior women outside a store, who stopped to admire her. Everywhere we go, people stop us and say that Sami is one of the cutest babies they have ever seen. Yesterday when one of the women asked me how old Sami was, and I answered "almost 4 and a half months," she replied that her grandson is also 4 months and looks double the size of Sami. I explained that Sami was a preemie so she is a little small. And one of the other women told me about her preemie grandchildren. It seems as though everyone I meet has a story about a preemie. Yesterday the cashier at Walmart when Sami and I were out buying more formula (Walmart is the cheapest place to get her formula by far), told me about her twins that were born a few years ago at 4 pounds each. All the stories are positive, about preemies starting off so small, and turning out to be amazing children.

Sami has been trying to sit up lately, but of course she can't do it yet. If I hold her in my arms when I am sitting down, she tries to lean her little body forward but then she falls right backward again. She is also talking up a storm, but of course nobody can understand what she is saying. She seems to be saying the same thing over and over, and she looks so serious about it. I believe she is really trying to tell us something important to her. She now loves her activity mat, and when she is playing on it, she grabs at all the things that hang above her head and tries to talk to them. Perhaps she thinks that they will understand her. Every day is an amazing day of changes, laughs and smiles, which she also does extremely often now. Of course she still has her times of screaming and crying when nothing seems to console her. But those moments of laughing and smiling make me quickly forget the frustration I feel when she is crying and screaming.

I never knew I could love someone as much I love Sami.

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