Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sami's sick :(

Sami has her first fever. Her temperature is 101.5, and of course it's a Sunday evening when the doctor's office is closed. I just hung up with an extremely helpful nurse, who told me what to do and how to monitor her. She thinks Sami has a virus, and told me what dose of tylenol to give her at her small size, and what signs to look for so as to know if anything is worse. I am worried, but feel a lot better since I spoke to the nurse and know what to do to help make Sami feel better.

On Friday, we had our last post-placement visit with the social worker, and of course Sami screamed and cried through the entire appointment! I really hoped Sami would have been having one of her good days, where she laughs and smiles nonstop, but it was just not to be. Our social worker said I shouldn't worry, but I was just hoping Sami would be in good spirits that day.

After a lot of pressure on my part to insist our attorney at least give us an estimate of when she thinks the adoption will be finalized, she said she is expecting it to be finalized sometime in June, but she reminded me that it was just a guess and to not hold her to it. If it does happen in June, we are expecting to have the conversion and baby-naming ceremony over the summer. I believe the conversion may be private, but we hope people will attend the baby naming service in the synagogue. We haven't yet decided if we are going to have a real party to celebrate, or just do something such as go out to lunch after the synagogue service. It really depends on what we can afford. Either way, the service at the synagogue will be the important part, where Sami will be given her Hebrew name, after my father.

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