Thursday, July 29, 2010

recent visit with Elizabeth

Have you ever been so tired you can't sleep? I know that doesn't make sense. But here I am at 2 a.m., completely drained and exhausted, but yet I cannot sleep. In the morning I have a dentist appointment. It's just for a routine cleaning, but I am a dental phobic so I'm stressing a little bit. But I don't think that's why I am awake, considering this sleep pattern is becoming almost normal for me. I can't remember the last time I've had a good, solid night of sleep.

Anyway, on Tuesday I picked up Elizabeth for her ultrasound. I've posted the latest photo here. The perinatologist is saying we should definitely go by the Dec. 10 due date, not Dec. 17, which means Elizabeth is more than halfway through the pregnancy! She will be 21 weeks along this Friday. Only 19 weeks until her due date, and Elizabeth said that in her previous pregnancy she was two weeks early.

The attorney spoke to the landlord on Monday, and things seem to have calmed down in her apartment building. The doctor's office was very busy so Elizabeth and I wound up spending a lot of time together on Tuesday. I really do believe she is a good person who has just had a rough life. I'm so glad that I feel this way, because if Baby S ever asks about her biological mother, I will honestly be able to tell her that I met her mother and I really liked her, and that she wanted a better life for her child than she could provide. I'm thinking of asking Elizabeth if I can take a picture of her when I see her next month, in case Baby S would ever like to see her.

The doctor appointment yesterday went well. Baby S was extremely active as usual, and the technician measured her heart, her brain, her arms and legs. Everything is forming as it should be, and everything is proportionate. The only concern the doctor had is that Baby S is small. The doctor said she is in the 10th percentile in weight/size. But we were told that some babies are small at this stage and gain weight toward the end. She was also advised once again to quit smoking, as that could be contributing to the small size of Baby S. Elizabeth said she is down to 6 cigarettes a day and promises by next week to be down to 4 a day. She seems to really be trying to quit. After the appointment, Elizabeth was hungry and I offered to buy her lunch. She asked me if we could go to McDonald's, saying that is a treat for her. She thanked me several times, unnecessarily. She called me today to thank me for yesterday. In all, I think we spent almost four hours together, and it was a good day. She is warm person, and is very grateful, and seems to truly want a good life for Baby S.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for our new arrival. Its going to be a wild ride
