Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In love with Sami...

I'm not sure I've ever felt the kind of love I feel for Sami. Yes, I wake up every couple of hours around the clock and walk around in a semi-zombie state. Yes, I have not associated with any adults aside from my husband, sister and mother since she has come home. And yes, I haven't left the house since she has been home aside from her first appointment with her pediatrician. But it's worth it all. It is SOOOO worth it all.

Sami does need a bit more care than full-term newborns. She is on a special high-calorie formula, which she will need to stay on for one year. She will have weekly appointments with the pediatrician until she reaches average newborn weight. She needs to eat every 3-4 hours. If she sleeping I have to wake her up to eat. And because she takes a long time to eat, and takes a while to fall back asleep afterward, I am basically waking every every 90 minutes. And because I am full-time freelancer, I do not receive any kind of maternity leave, so I am trying (somewhat unsuccessfully) to continue to work from home. But I find myself falling asleep with her in the morning. (Yes I admit that I do mean "with her" as often we fall asleep together with her in my arms.) She will probably become extremely spoiled as she is held almost all of the time.

She's still in preemie clothes. Newborn size is definitely still too big, and 0-3 month clothes are something I probably wont be thinking about for a while. She will most likely be smaller than other children her age, until she is somewhere between 2 and 5 years old. And she might be a little behind in some developmental things, but I am told that this is only a possibility since she is already doing so much better than expected, and that even if she does have these issues, she will be caught up by the time she is 5 years old or sooner.

I can look at her for hours without getting bored. In fact, I do. I just hold her and stare at her. She looks back at me often with her eyes wide with interest, and sometimes it almost seems as if she has an older soul inside of her the way she looks back at me.

I just adore Sami. (In case you couldn't tell.)


  1. So happy for you! What a cutie! I know exactly how that size thing works with preemies. My son only weighed 13 lbs at a year old and he is just now starting to fit into some 6-9 month stuff (He's 15 months now).

  2. We can't wait to see and hold her - keep the love growing and she will be fine

    Rick & Paula
    NC Grandparents

  3. One of the highlights of today was when she met her great grandmother


  4. Wow! 13 pounds at one year? How much did he weigh when he was born?
