Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Follow AND subscribe my blog

After setting up this blog, I learned that if you become a follower you do not get notified when I add new posts. In order to get email notifications you have to subscribe to my blog to receive email notifications. I know that many people have done that because a lot of people have contacted me to tell me they are reading my blog and getting the emails. That is so amazing to me that people are reading! I originally started this blog as a way to help me vent, because the adoption process is weighing a lot on my mind, and writing has always been the most beneficial venue for me when I need to get things off my mind. I am also thinking of turning this entire process into a book at some point, and blogging seems like a great way for me to keep records of all my emotions through this time.
Unfortunately, there is no way for me to learn how many people are actually subscribing to receive email notifications when I add a new post to my blog, and I am trying to keep track of how many people are following my blog because now I have a goal of a certain number of people I'd like to be reading... lol... (actually Steven has a goal of a certain number. I am just curious.) So here is my request, can everyone who is reading my blog subscribe to receive email notifications AND also click on the link to become a follower? By becoming a follower then I can see how many people are actually reading my blog. Unfortunately, becoming a follower will not send you updates, so you will still need to subscribe in addition to becoming a follower if you want to be notified via email when I add a new post.
I know this request sounds self-serving, but it's information I am planning to use if and when this blog becomes the basis for a book (talking about how many followers I had during the process– some being friends and family, and some being strangers, etc.)
Thank you so much!!!!


  1. I have subscribed to your blog and am now a follower. I receive the updates via email. Thanks again for keeping us posted.
